Friday, July 16, 2010

Peace Out!

God's peace is awesome. Can I just say? Never in my life have I ever felt so assured that I am where I'm supposed to be, I am doing what God has called me to do, and I am excited that life is going to be crazy. Weird right?

So when I first started this blog I used the analogy of life being a big swimming pool that we all are learning how to navigate. Well, I'm past the last swimming lesson and I'm just starting to try it on my own, and I have to say - its awesome! I completely trust that God is going to provide, and I know that I'm in love and loved.

So try to find the peace in God this week - get peaced out!

1 comment:

Ryan and Alison said...

Hey girl! It's so nice to hear from you! I didn't read all of your entries ;), but was very encouraged by your passion for living out God's Will in the few that did. So glad to hear you and Simeon are doing great =)