Saturday, April 30, 2005

dun, Dun, DUN!

Its coming!! The end is fast approaching! The end of my time at Winona, that is...its getting kind of sad. Please don't think that this is the very end though...i still want to talk to you if i do now, okay? Yeah, that means leave me contact info...cause i want to hear from you! Okay, enough of that...


Monday, April 25, 2005


Sometimes life isn't as you'd like it. Its hard to get by the fact that its not going to go your way all the time. Sometimes you'd rather just crawl into a small box, seal it up, and ship it out. That way, you'd be away from everything you're fed up with, and you'd most likely be passed out from lack of oxygen so you wouldn't have to think about all the stupid stuff.

But life doesn't like sealed boxes and neither do most people. You can't hide from the things that hurt you; you can't disappear from the things you're scared of; and you can't get angry at the things you don't have control over.

When those times come...the ones when all you want to do is scream off a big hill into an abyss, when you just want to run and never stop, when the only that keeps you from telling that perfect person the things you've been meaning to all along, is the fear of rejection...we have to remember -- we're just human, and things happen. Your voice will diminish, your legs will give out, and your fear will take over so you never say anything at all.

My advice...take it as it sucks sometimes, but that's no reason to give into the sometimes and whenevers...give life your best, and that's all you can hope for in return.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Drunken Goose Syndrome

I was running the other morning, taking my usual route around the lakes and I spotted a goose walking down the water's edge. He seemed a little bit tipsy, and i found it really humorous. So i got to thinking about this goose and its intoxication. Why does a goose need to be drunk anyway? Here's some of my thoughts...

Geese feel the need to mate as all of God's creatures feel the need to in the spring of the year. Only this time around, he's feeling lonely. No female goose has caught his eye. Likewise, he, sadly, hasn't caught any female goose's eye. So how does a goose ease the pain?? How else...drink himself away! Then he takes the lonely walk down the water's edge to the smelly part of the no one sees his pain.

I think i have drunken goose syndrome. Walking the edge feeling lonely...scurring off to the undesired side as to hide my pain. Ah, spring...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

True story!

Okay, so this is a true story:

My friend Dave and I were studying calc in the hallway, and this girl came up from the steps and totally wiped out by tripping on the carpet! I had to bite my cheek and talk in order to stop the laughter. Then to add to it, she walked the lonely walk of shame past us instead of saving her dignity and turning around to go a different way. Props to her for not caring i guess...but yeah, woooo, i love a good laugh!

Also, can i just say that i love spring!

Jaime...this ones to you..."let's never fight again, shant we?" (or something of that sorts)

Monday, April 04, 2005

Chocolate Covered Life

It seems like everything is chocolate covered in this life. Its never just the chocolate. Sometimes life feels like you're eating a chocolate covered raisin. You start to eat it, and then you start to chew it, and like the candy-coated outside, but as soon as you hit that raisin...BAM! Your face goes sour. The candy you once had is now spoiled and ruined.

Sometimes relationships seem like that, when it really should be the love just hanging out, chewing on chocolate, but as soon as you hit a spot where you're bored, or its hard, or you are being tested and tried (hit the raisin), we just spit it out. Stop eating, and continue onto the next chocolate covered morsel. But who's to say that what's inside isn't so bad? Who's to say that things won't work out? Who decides whether you fight to keep it and stick it out, or give up as soon as you get bored. Life's not like that. When you meet someone and get past the chocolate, it takes work, but if its worth working on, then we have to strive to perservere, learn to appreciate that raisins are good for you!

But then again...maybe its for the best...maybe it would be hard on you...maybe it would take some work...and if you're not up to it then, well, i can't chew for the both of us.

<>< Bri