Friday, August 21, 2009

Living on the Edge!

Oh Steven Tyler... I sometimes wonder why artists write the things they do. What made Aerosmith write a song about there being something wrong with the world today, and therefore we are living on the edge. This is what my song about "living on the edge" would be about:

School is about to start. I have to return next Monday. My summer is staring me right in the face - what did you accomplish? Well, thanks to my mom, I can say that I got some craft projects done!! I also did some work for school (granted it was within the last three days). My edge is that there is three days of summer left, and what will I do with the time? Will I be ready for school and students? Will I be the most tired I've been in a long time? (In the best Steven Tyler scream I can muster...) Living on the edge!

Tomorrow is our triathlon. My first triathlon ever, and I'm feeling nerves that I thought would at least hold out until tonight when I won't be able to sleep. I think I'm just excited to see if all my hard work this summer will pay off and help me to finish in less than 2 hours. When I train for things like this, I try to set a goal so that I can have a focus and keep up the work. However, now that it is less than 24 hours away (hence the edge), I am afraid that I will fall short. Will I make it? Living on the edge!

We are going to have a house in a week, and I need to start packing. I am so excited to have our own place! God really has blessed us this year with our jobs and our situation. I almost feel like we don't deserve to have our own place! We are just two young kids trying to be adults... what is that? Packing also makes the reality sink in a little more - we are going to be homeowners and we better get moving, literally! Living on the edge!

Those three items put me on the edge - the edge of my comfort zone. What defines the edge? Why do I feel anxious about these wonderful things? God tells us, "Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6

This is what I will do - no more living on the edge!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Its one of those things...

Summer always passes by too fast! Its one of those things. First you're excited to get all of those things done that you thought of in the spring. Craft projects, cleaning, exercising, etc. And then, all of a sudden its the middle of August and you're fretting about getting anything done with the time you have left!

I am so blessed to have summer vacation and I wouldn't trade it for anything. However, I have to admit that I like the structure of the school year because for some reason, I actually get things done. I wake up early to exercise. I plan time during the evenings and weekends to do get all the cleaning done. I set aside Saturdays to do craft projects. Oh well. I'm rested and ready to become anxious every night about school again.

On a side note, we are buying a house. Its one of those things too that people would like to do and feel like its the next step. Well, it is our next step in the line of life. God really opened the door to a house in Reedsburg and we are excited to fix it up! Key words are fix it up. It needs a lot of work, but we are excited to tackle it. I don't like to watch HGTV for nothing!