Monday, December 15, 2008


I got faced by the wind this morning! Literally! Unknowingly, I ran this morning in the chilly -1 degree weather. That wouldn't even have been so bad if there wasn't the wind! With wind chills it was -25 degrees. YIKES! Sometimes I'm not motivated to run, I wish that was the case today. However, I trekked it out and enjoyed the thrill!

In other news, school is going well, and I can't wait for Christmas break in a week! WOO HOO! I mean, I love those fun high schoolers, but I'm ready for a break! What would you do with a break? I'm curious, let me know...

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Halloween is frightful, but that's not what I'm talking about now...

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but our apartment is so delightful. And since we've not place to go.... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!!

Yes, it was snowing out today. It was pretty. It made me think of hot chocolate, christmas music, the smell of a warm pie in the oven. It was wonderful. Now don't get me wrong here. I love fall, and I don't want it to snow any time soon. But it was so beautiful out today... I just couldn't believe it!

So where ever you are... think of snow and hot chocolate, warm pie, and all your cares will just melt away ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So I chopped my hair off today. So many women after they get married cut their hair nice and short. They are sick of it being long for their wedding day, so they cut it. I am not doing to for that reason. I need a change, a new start to the school year. What do I think of it? Well, I'm not typically a fan of short hair, but it feels pretty good.

Why does a haircut make you feel new? Who knows, but it does. You feel like people are looking at you from all directions... "Did she just-?" "What was she thinking!" "Who does she think she is to pull off a haircut like that?" Things like that running through my mind. I shouldn't worry about such things, but I do. It grows back, and soon enough mine will too. BUt for now, I am enjoying feeling like a new person! I feel ten pounds lighter and five months younger! Ha.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Sometimes my tongue gets tripped up. Sometimes I can get tripped up on a math problem. All manageable things. However, the other day while I was running, I tripped - I fell right in front of an old lady vacuuming her car. She didn't even look up to see if I was okay. I felt like a complete idiot!

I think we all need to trip every once and a while. It humbles us, brings us back to where we started from, and wakes us up all in the same moment! The day progressed into more thinking and really examining what the heck I was doing.

So even though my leg oozes, and I have a permanent band-aid mark, I'm glad I tripped... in a weird sort of way!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Whoop Whoop!

I have ONE week left of school... WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So Cute!

I know, we're adorable together. This is what we look like these days for those of you wondering out there!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


When I was in swimming, we had a "bull-pen" where we would wait for our next race to begin. We would mentally prepare, focus on the task at hand, and check out the competition too. All I remember from this was the overwhelming nervous feeling that overcame me. I'd be sitting there with butterflies, birds, airplanes, jets, you name it... stewing inside.

Right now - I feel like I'm back in the bull-pen. Sitting. Waiting. Getting nervous. Wishing it was time so I can just do what I know best. The wedding is three and half weeks away. I can't wait!!! However, finishing school, finding a job, moving to a new town. Its overwhelming and I'm stuck in the bull-pen. Sitting.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Skinned Knees

I miss the days of skinned knees and grass stains. You know why? You were most likely a kid when that happened. You were ten years old, playing in your back yard as happy as can be that a slug had washed up in the little water trail in your yard. Those days were easier. They were care free and fun. Some days I wish I was back in my back yard looking at slugs.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting Away

I'm sitting in a hotel room, by myself, watching the snow fall over the Mississippi River. I am away. Simeon has a job interview tomorrow for John Deere in Moline, IL. I, like a good future wife, am supporting my future husband by calming his nerves and encouraging him during this stressful time. I know he will do great tomorrow - most likely get a job.

However, tonight I want to write about getting away. I love hotels. I come and sit and all the possible seats to decide where the best one is. I look at all the hotel offers: three year old instant coffee, a laundry bag, a notepad, stinky-gross shampoo and conditioner, and a lot more. Why are these things so amazing and luxury to my eyes? Well, they are not mine. They are out of my zone and world far enough for me to feel away. Sometimes in the midst of crazy life and on-the-go moves, you need to escape.

I like to look upon the neighboring buildings and think about where my life is away from where I'm at. Student teaching, planning a wedding, working at a job, trying to stay healthy, driving, and more driving. It is a wonderful life. I'm more than in love with Simeon, I love being at home with my family, I'm almost done with something I've invested 5 years of my life to. I'm about ready to start a new life with the love of my life, and only God knows where. What could be better?

Sometimes we need a different perspective to realize that to get to the good stuff, we've got to face the rain. That's another reason why I'm getting away.

Monday, February 18, 2008

I do!

I DO want it to be June. I DO wish that I would be graduated and teaching. I DO wish that Simeon had a job that he absolutely loved. I DO wish that I lived closer to both my brother and sister. I DO wish Meredith lived here so I could see her again. I DO wish that it was warmer outside. I DO love snow days. I DO wish that I wasn't as pale as an egg white. I DO wish that working out wasn't so hard. I DO wish things like wedding cakes and honeymoons grew on trees so I wouldn't have to spend so much money. I DO wish that the political ads would leave everyone alone. I DO wish that people would go out to vote. I DO wish that I wouldn't get so nervous about things. I DO know that God has a plan for our lives. I DO believe that God made me the way I am. I DO know that God loves me. I DO love God. I DO love Simeon. I wish I could say the real I DO in June. But alas. It is about three and a half months away! What do YOU DO?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bah Again

I'm sick...again. I hope it goes away for student teaching next week!!

How is everyone out there??

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I'm sick.