Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat....

Hey All. So I'm all done with tests, which means that Christmas is getting closer and closer! I'm so excited to see my family and spend time with them :) This semester was most excellent, and i'm really happy that i'm done! Thanks for reading this semester! Its been real.

Happy Holidays everyone!!

<>< Bri

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Double Decades Prove to be Better

Hey Everyone! So on Monday i turned 20. I was actually just planning on not telling anyone and going through the motions. But somehow the word leaked out and EVERYONE new. But it was all good...it was nice to see everyone who i care about, care back. I do have a bigger issue to address in this blog though, i don't know about the analogy...but we'll see what comes out.

So right now it is snowing outside and i am looking out the window as i type because i'm an awesome typer like that. But the snow reminds me of the fact that every snow flake is different. Yes, i am going to use the old cliche, but its true. Every snow flake has its own personal touch made from the creator himself. He is making them all unique, but creating some that fit together. Something has happened this week that has changed my view on the world, and no, it isn't the fact that its snowing outside. Was it that i turned 20? Was it because i could actually be honest with someone that i haven't in a long time? Was it that we only have two weeks left, which means almost only one semester left in winona for me? I think its a combo of all those things.

For the first time in forever i feel like i know who i am! I feel like i can be completely myself and not think any differently! I can show emotion and admit that i am certainly not right, not even half the time. I can be comfortable with the fact that i don't do a lot of things that most college students do, and i am going to serve the Lord with my whole heart before i get anywhere. I worry a lot about finding someone and feeling complete. But i am complete within the Lord. No other. And this week i've realized that God has someone out there for me...he's preparing him as he is still preparing me. We will find each other someday, and then we'll know...but right now, who knows who tomorrow will bring to your door or what kinds of relationships evolve from your existing ones. Who knows?!

So yeah...thanks for listening and don't be alarmed if i don't write for a while...i have some other things to do. Signing out....

<>< Bri