Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Screwdrivers and Orange

So I was thinking today, when did we grow up? When did we take the turn from being a young kid who hardly knew what anything meant and didn't mind, to knowing everything there is to know about things that you thought you wanted to know? I'm not saying I know everything there is to know about everything, but i know things now that when I was 12, I was oblivious to.

If I asked an adult, how do you make a screwdriver? Most would reply, "You take vodka and orange juice and mix them up." If I asked anyone under the age of, oh let's say 15, how do you make a screwdriver, they would reply, "I dunno, maybe with some kind of metal and a plastic handle?" I’d be in the latter category of thinking of a tool, not a drink. Does that make me too naïve? I don’t think so, but maybe some others think of me that way. Maybe I haven’t escalated past the kid stage….maybe I haven’t even grown up!

I was at the pool the other day when this little boy was talking about going to the races. He asked, “when do you think you’d have to go to the races? I think they start in the morning and go through when its orange and then into the night too.” When it’s orange? I think that means at sunset or dusk too. But isn’t that great? He didn’t even know what that time was called – but he knew enough to make him happy and content.

So my question is: Which is better? Being in the Quiet or in the Loud? Maybe that’s just the key – know enough to make you content, but not too content that you don’t want to learn more. Kids are always learning, they’re growth curve of knowledge is astounding! Adults know a lot, and they’re growth curve isn’t too steep – it actually kind of levels off.

I guess when it all comes down to it, you’re supposed to have a childlike faith about things, and I think I might take it a little further, but I’m happy, and I’m glad that even the little things still make me happy by just discovering and not knowing – if it makes me naïve, then I guess that’s where I’ll be…sitting in the orange playing with metal and plastic ☺

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