Sunday, March 27, 2005

Whoa Nelly!


So i didn't go home for Easter. First Easter away from my family. It was strange and lonely. I think its better to be with people you love and love you back on such an amazing day! But it just so happens that my car needs to last throughout my college days, so we're saving her some breaths.

I received this wonderful Easter care package with great chocolate and jelly bellies, but here's the catch. I don't know who its from!! Not from my parents, not from my sister or brother, not from my grandparents, not from my friends...who can it be from?? Are you the mystery sender? If so...tell me! I want to thank you!! It made me smile (and continues to do so since i don't know who its from!).

Side note - i only have about one more month here in Winona until i depart for good....just thuoght i'd remind myself since i don't do that enough.

Alright, i'm out yo!

<>< Bri

P.S. There's a full moon and i've got a craving for salsa...anyone with me?

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