Thursday, November 29, 2007


23 is a prime number. You know what that means? I'm in my primes! Oh if only I had a permanent drum set sound after all my jokes.

Seriously though, now that I'm twenty-three...It is going to be one of my prime years! Pun intended. Oh man, I'm such a math geek...

What woman in her primes DOESN'T look like this??

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blessings in Disguise

When I was a freshman in high school I entered the publications class at my high school. Pub, for short, was the group of students who put together the newspaper and yearbook. Brandon and Katy were in it, so I of course had to be in it. Rumors spread of how hard and mean Mrs. Jonas was. And...when I started I was sure I knew where those rumors had stemmed from.

As the year progressed I began to like Mrs. Jonas. What about this rough and tough woman was appealing no appalling? It hit me years later - She is a GOOD teacher. Not just a good teacher, but she was REALLY GOOD. When it came time to decided whether we went to the newspaper or the yearbook, I wanted desperately to be on the newspaper staff! Please oh please let me work with Brandon and the other smarties on the newspaper! As fate would have it, and Mrs. Jonas would have it, I was put on the yearbook staff!!

What a blessing in disguise. Mrs. Jonas knew me and what area I would best excel in. As a junior I was editor-in-chief, and as well as my senior year. I worked well with the people on my staff and had a lot of fun. Did I know it was going to be the right fit? Nah, but Mrs. Jonas did!

What made me think of it all these years later? I ran into Mrs. Jonas today. She asked me how Katy and Brandon were, asked what was new with my life. She was genuinely happy for me. It made me smile from ear to ear! That is what a good teacher is. That is what I want to be...

Friday, November 16, 2007


I got some decorations for my wedding this last weekend! I'm wicked excited. Yes, Meredith, you will have to hear about them!! You'll love it! Well, I hope you will!

In related news...I solved the Rubik's Cube. SEVERAL times might I add! Stupid cube... it has taken over my thoughts and time for the last two months!!! I'm writing this paper on the mathematics behind the cube and it isn't terribly difficult, but it is about 13 pages and counting of Rubik's Cube information. Yikes! Well with me luck because it is due on Tuesday and I've worked all semester on it!

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, that's all I can say!

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone....Help!

School is stressful! Its just not cool right now :)

Anyone agree??