Saturday, September 18, 2004

Mac and Cheese

Hey Everyone...this one's a little deep watch out and get your waders on! So i have another stupid analogy. I feel i can relate my life to things like finding nemo, kayaking and now mac and cheese better than any other sort of communication...

So you know when you make mac and cheese, you can't wait until you get to eat it? Because mac and cheese is supposed to be the greatest meal ever (and don't get me wrong...i'm a big fan...just go with me here). Well, imagine if when you reached the time with you add all the other ingredients...the milk, the butter, the cheese. You are stirring it and can see the masterpiece before you and you think, i'm going to eat this forever because i love mac and cheese so much! So you take a big bite and can hardly stand how good of a cook you are. Well, let's say in this batch there is a hard noodle. You know, the ones that hurt your teeth and you can hardly stand to chew anymore. But you think to yourself, self, its okay...its mac and cheese, it will get better. So you keep on chomping away, but all of a sudden, you bite into a hot dog. You're older brother slipped a cold nasty cheese-filled hot dog in your one and only mac and cheese. Major speed bump on the road to finishing the greatest invention ever made...but you keep eating. Next you are thinking...hmm, its not bed time yet, why am i flossing? And you realize its a piece of hair in your delicacy. I don't know about you, but at this point this meal has lost all hope of ever being good again. And due to a strange psychology term called conditioning, you are now unable to eat mac and cheese ever again because there has been so many nasty obstacles that you'd rather eat spam than finish this.

Why did i go on and on about mac and cheese? No, not to make you vomit but for this reason: Sometimes in life when we think we have something as reliable as this noodle and dairy mixture we just tend to think that it will always be there forever. However, when things come, and people enter the picture it changes. No more calls, no more thoughts of going back to the old days when there was just the two of you. There are other people that interupt. And you know, sometimes hot dogs can be good in mac and cheese, and so can other people in our lives. Its just hard when its not the same as it was before, and you realize that you've been replaced. Its hard to handle.

However, day by day, you learn to appreciate a new meal, a new appetite such as Chef Boyardee or Ramen. As do we with the new things in our lives...never really going back to that same old place but always remembering how delicious and yummy that was. This is for someone, so i hope they hear it, and understand where i'm coming from. To everyone else...go get some mac and cheese while you still like it!

Bounce. <>< Brini

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