Saturday, September 04, 2004

Ho Hum

Well this is my first ever blog entry. I have to admit that i'm a little anxious to start this blog deal-e-o. I mean, I get anxious for anything and everything under the sun, but this is a little ridonkulous. And yes ridonkulous is a made up word. So here we go. I may not be as elequent as my dear brother Brandon, nor as random as my best friend Jaime, however, i will try my best.

This is the start of my second year of college. Sometimes i feel as if i'm a little kid in swimming lessons. They are so afraid of the water, but act brave because mom and aunt joan are sitting on the side watching me get myself wet in order to stay afloat when i'm drowning like a huge chunk of cement torn from a sidewalk. I have to get in because mom is paying for this so called teaching experience, but i'm terrified of this huge blue abyss. Just do this and you'll float. Just let the water take you, it will be fine. Its easier said than done. All these other kids are thrown in with me, but some are natural born swimmers and some are worse off than yours truly. i would catagorize myself as an arm flapper...doing whatever because that's what ya gotta do.

Anyway, what's with the water? Well, you'd think being thrown in for the second time would be different, you'd know how to float and to kick to the surface so you don't die a cold and wet death. But sometimes it takes a while to get used to the water that you've left. Its colder than before, deeper and harder to stay afloat. Yet, we are forced to make the most of the chlorinated liquid and just go. This year is going to be great, but it takes a while to get started, is what i'm trying to say. And this year, i feel as if i'm the kid who broke his leg and now is afraid to put the leg that was broken in the water.

If this made any sense to you, least someone can leap into my random brain. But i'll let you all go this time. Good luck with school, and the new year...and as the turtle says in Finding Nemo...Koo Koo Ka Choo, back to the big blue. Peace Out

<>< Brini

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