Friday, August 04, 2006

Circa 1987?

It wasn’t just yesterday that “Walk Like an Egyptian” was playing on the radio. It wasn’t just yesterday that scrunccies and leg warmers were in high fashion. So why have I been seeing them lately? Have things from the eighties become popular again? And if so, WHY?

I will stand firm in the statement that only two or three things that actually came from the eighties was worth while: Yours truly and your’s only (Simeon). Granted DIVO and electric synthesizers are pretty stellar, but think about the other things: big hair, sad and cheesy ballads, shoulder pads, side pony-tails, etc!

Granted, I am not a fashion expert. I will be the first to admit that I wear more layers than most people can ever fathom, which is unfortunate for some. However, I don’t think that hair was meant to poofy and I don’t think pony-tail were meant to be worn to the side. I don’t think neon colors are safe for the eyes and I don’t think any guy should ever wear a cut-off shirt or tank top. These are just things that I can’t justify as cool and I don’t think ever will be!

But what makes something fashionable and other things not? Like why were the eighties so awful? Well, I think the use of everything synthetic kind of hurt that one, but I don’t have the answer to that. I think the only thing needed to remember was that, these things weren’t just yesterday, they were clearly TWENTY years ago…its time to move on ☺

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