Friday, November 05, 2004


Yeah, that's right, i'm a blogger. I have something to say...or at least i like to pretend and write it on a blog :)

So yeah, i don't know about anyone else, but Fridays are quite possibly the best day of the week. They are for a few reasons actually...and yes, as you guessed it, im going to write why...

1. Fridays are they last days of the school week. There are no more torturous classes until Monday, which is a whole two days away!

2. There is always something fun to do on Friday nights...(well actually, not tonight, i'm on duty, but usually there is!)

3. You get to sleep in on Saturdays, which you might be thinking...well that's not Friday, but you know you can stay up late on Friday night because you have this time in the AM.

4. You are usually in a good mood on Friday, since it is the last day of the week...which puts other people in good moods and then it just feels good....

5. Last but not least, you get to use the phrase...TGIF! (for those who don't means "thank goodness its friday")

So there you have it folks, if you aren't sitting in front of your TV, working at a desk or movie theater, or just doing something inside...GET OUT! Enjoy these blessings we receive every week that i like to call FRIDAYS!

<>< Brini

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